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Hizmet Sözleşmesi

The subject of this contract is the Law on the Protection of the CONSUMER numbered 4077 - Regulation on the Application Procedures and Principles of Distance Contracts, regarding the sale and performance of the service, whose qualifications and sales price are specified below, that the AGENCY sells to the CONSUMER electronically on the website. It covers the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with its provisions.
2.1- The CONSUMER declares that he has read and learned all the preliminary information regarding the qualifications, sales price, payment method and performance of the product subject to the contract and gives the necessary confirmation in electronic environment.
2.2- The AGENT is liable to the CONSUMER because the service subject to the contract is defective.
2.3- In the event that the relevant bank or financial institution fails to pay the service fee to the AGENCY due to the unfair or unlawful use of the CONSUMER's credit card by unauthorized persons after the performance of the service, the CONSUMER is responsible for the service fee and the resulting damages.

3.1. The AGENT, despite showing all the necessary care, is an obstacle to the start or continuation of the trip; The tour may be canceled or postponed 24 hours before the departure time due to the inability to register as many as the required number of passengers and/or adverse weather conditions, road obstructions, strikes, terrorism, fog, the possibility of war, unpredictable technical issues and all force majeure. In this case, the CONSUMER has no right to compensation.
3.2 A- When the CONSUMER requests cancellation up to 15 days before the start of the service, the full price paid is returned to him.
B- The CONSUMER agrees and undertakes to pay 35% of the trip cost less than 7 days before the AGENCY if he cancels the contract 15-7 days before the start of the service despite not using his right of withdrawal within the period. Date changes made by the CONSUMER have the effect of cancellation.
C- In case of cancellation/transfer of the discounted service, the CONSUMER agrees and undertakes to pay 35% of the service fee up to 7 days before the service starts, and the entire service fee after 7 days to the AGENCY.
D- For special products, cancellations made up to 60 days before the start of the service, the CONSUMER will be refunded the full price paid up to that point. If the CONSUMER cancels the contract 59-31 days before the start of the trip, 25% of the trip cost, 50% of the trip cost if he cancels the contract 30-15 days before, 75% of the trip cost if he cancels the contract 14-07 days before. It accepts and undertakes to pay the full amount to the AGENT if it is less than 7 days before.
E- The CONSUMER's written submission before the start of the service with the official board report to be obtained from the full-fledged state hospital of the illness or death of the CONSUMER or their first-degree relatives, which prevents their habitual occupation for 10 days, is an exception to the cancellation/transfer clauses.
3.3 CONSUMPTION can fully transfer to the tour until reaching the start of the tour up to 7 days. The transferee is responsible for the balance and all costs arising from the transfer. The CONSUMER, all cancellation/transfer, advertisement, prior to the service, to apply with the AGENCY's offering.
3.4 In case of writing budgets for the service that the CONSUMER lacks in budget; AGENCY CONSUMER has the ability to cancel all reservations and services after 24 hours. No fee is charged to the CONSUMER for such cancellations.
3.5 You may not complete the AGENT. At the same time or in service, to visit the names of the hotels in the service of the AGENT, the times of the places that have been taken in the program passing through the transportation vehicles and the times of the places that have been shown as places to visit. The CONSUMER has the right to receive a refund for these changes and cancellations, which can be considered unacceptable, canceled and not consumed services.
3.6 The possible tour cancellation notifications of the AGENT can be announced on its website, as well as individually to the CONSUMER. The CONSUMER accepts this situation.

1-All kinds of responsibility regarding the luggage and its contents belong to the owner. The CONSUMER is obliged to comply with the laws and customs applicable to the vehicle to which he/she will travel and the facility where he/she will stay.
2- In cases of baggage loss or damage caused by the provider's gross fault; In the event that the CONSUMER has the supplier arrange a loss or damage report, 1/2 of the total cost of the trip, which corresponds to the transportation, is paid to the AGENT as material and moral compensation for the lost goods and suitcase, regardless of the material and moral value of the goods in the baggage, as well as other qualifications and characteristics. shall be paid by the owner of the goods to the CONSUMER. The AGENT is responsible for any loss, damage or theft of the goods, which have been declared in writing with their values, at the most, as much as the transportation cost of the trip.
3- Visa Transactions and SERVICES are not included in the purchased service.
4- The AGENT is responsible for reasons other than force majeure, the situation that the CONSUMER is responsible for, and the situations arising from the personal responsibilities of third parties after the commencement of the promised service. or in the form of a service refund, but also with additional and/or alternative arrangements that are not included in the price and given to the CONSUMER during the service. The fact that additional or substitute services have been purchased, used or consumed by the CONSUMER eliminates the CONSUMER's right to refund and compensation.

5-CONSUMER, the guide, facility and transportation vehicle will comply with the service obtained from the purchase; He accepts that he will respect the goodness of third parties.
6- In the event that the CONSUMER terminates the service provided to the competitor on a bad basis, the AGENCY official and the reasons for the termination of his stay continue in writing. Otherwise, the service is considered to have used the service.
7- It is the cooperation and behavior style of the well-intentioned CONSUMER as the complaints shown as the complaints of the CONSUMER's complaints.
8- The CONSUMER, which is an item to be put into the contract itself), the offers that will be accepted and delivered upon the approval of this contract by the ones (CONSUMERS) to be leased on their behalf.
The right of recourse to the CONSUMER for the excess amount paid by the AGENCY to the CONSUMER(s) who signed the contract or for the collection of service fee is reserved.
Article 12 of the 9-1618 law; If the package tour purchased from the package tour service cannot be given at all, it is purchased with insurance. The deposit is equal to the package tour cost.
10- If the CONSUMER wishes, before the package tour and/or accommodation; In case of accident and sickness, it can cover the costs and damages arising from all kinds of accidents to be insured.
11- TURSAB KÜTAHYA SCHEDULE will be applied in case ENTE does not pay the contract or pay.
Istanbul Consumer Courts and Arbitration Committees are authorized to test the disputes arising from the construction of this contract.
The CONSUMER accepts all consideration of this contract.